Saturday, June 29, 2013


This summer MUSE School CA will  be a MAKER CAMP SUPER AFFILIATE!

Maker Camp is a 6-week virtual summer camp for anyone interested in DIY, making, creating, crafting, hacking, tinkering, and discovery. Green STEAM in Full FORCE! It's free and it starts on July 8! Join us for 30 days and 30 projects. We’ll post projects and activities, and use Hangouts to visit cool places and meet interesting makers.

Check the blog for updated information and details on how to join!


Sunday, June 23, 2013

We made it to Washington DC

MUSE School CA and the DEEPSEA CHALLENGER Team cross country tour arrived in Washington DC on June 7th.  The team spent the previous seven days visiting cities across America and spreading a message of imagination and innovation. We connected with young people, parents, and teachers across the nation with the goal of inspiring them to think sustainably, embrace curiosity, and take an active role in STEAM education. Examples of GREEN STEAM in action were observed across the country (see photos below). The DEEPSEA CHALLENGE EXPEDITION Team included engineers, scientists, filmmakers, designers, public relation specialists, media specialists, writers, and artists, and educators. The submarine is an amazing example of how integrating SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, the ARTS, and MATHEMATICS can lead to creative solutions and make the impossible happen!


DEEPSEA CHALLENGER submarine in fromt of the Georgia Aquarium

*make a model submarine using reclaimed materials*

MUSE School CA table


MUSE School CA Team members

A River of Words- a exhibit at the Georgia Aquarium that includes poems, illustrations, and essays about the ocean written by children. STEAM in ACTION 


Friday, June 7, 2013


We brought a few mini remotely operated vehicles on our cross country educational tour. 

A new ROV pilot controls the vehicle 

Next generation engineers at work!

Kindergarten students learn about Buoyancy and Water using  ROV in pool

Follow the DEEPSEA CHALLENGER SUBMARINE across the country and see if we stop at a city near you. Come out and make your own ROV or check out the following links for more information!

If  you would like to make one at home or for your school please check out the following links: (for Early Childhood to Middle School)

Special thanks to Deidre Sullivan of MATE (Marine Advance Technology Education)
and Dr. Kevin Hardy of Scripps Institution of Oceanography


The MUSEketeers visit the Perot Museum of Nature and Science in Dallas, Texas. The museum was full of hands on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) Activities and Exhibits

Check out the Highlights below:

MUSE is all about Hands-on learning  through Science,Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Math

The Perot Museum of Nature and Science

MUSEketeers learning about Dinosaur anatomy at an hands on interactive exhibit

The Science of Hip Hop. The MUSEketeers  interact with this  multimedia exhibit and learn the basics of  dance

More Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math at the Perot Museum of Nature and Science

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Check out these videos from DEEPSEA AMERICA!

Leaving Dallas in Style

Young Scientist talks about DEEP OCEAN EXPLORATION

The MUSEketeers Skype with classmates at MUSE School CA

On the way to Atlanta, Georgia our junior team members had the opportunity to LIVE Skype with classmates at MUSE School CA. They were delighted to share their adventures and answer questions about the submarine DEEPSEA CHALLENGER and the journey across America.
A junior team member with Dr.Dijanna on a Skype call with classmates at MUSE School CA.

Questions from MUSE School CA students:

Question:What type of truck is carrying the submarine?
Answer: It is a big purple truck with a lot of wheels I think 18 wheels. I think truck driver Rob told be it almost weighs 80,000 pounds!

Question:What is the best part of your trip?
Answer: "Ummm being with my family and sleeping in my bunk bed in the RV! I also like seeing ocean animals."

Question:What do you eat out there?
Answer:" carrots, grapes, grilled cheese sandwiches, lots of fruit and granola, and water. We have cooking class on the road and make cookies and pasta in the RV!"

Question: How many States have you travelled?
Answer: "California, Arizona, New Mexico,Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia. Eight states!"

Question: Did you see anything new?
Answer: "I saw lots of stuff. Yes. I saw lightening strikes and thunder. I saw the Mississippi River and really cool bridges. We drove through the desert and saw cactus and windmills. I saw farms and rock mountains. There are a lot of big bugs in Texas and Louisiana and one bit my sister. Oh and I saw my first dust/hail/ rain storm. It was like driving into a huge ball of dirt."

Our Junior Team Member Tracing our journey on a map of the United States

 We can Live SKYPE  with you too. Just leave a comment and we will contact you with more information.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A day at the Perot Museum of Nature and Science

On June 4th, MUSE GREEN STEAM and the DEEPSEA CHALLENGE Expedition team stopped at the Perot Museum of Nature and Science in Dallas,Texas.  After an early call time for local press we set-up for a day full of awe-inspiring science and excitement.
An early morning in Dallas, Texas

Police Escort gets ready for our departure.

 The DEEPSEA CHALLENGER SUB was parked in front of the MUSEUM and we set up ourMUSE School CA information and GREEN STEAM Education table. The people of DALLAS came out in full force!
Setting up the MUSE and EDUCATION Table.

The DEEPSEA CHALLENGER SUB was parked in front of the MUSEUM and MUSE School CA set up an interactive education table. The people of DALLAS came out in full force! We spent most of the time answering questions about the sub, handing out MUSE School Experiments in a Bag, and connecting with the next generation of innovators.  Both children and adults were captivated by the sub and the story behind how it was imagined, designed, and built.  Pauline Medrano, Mayor Pro of Dallas was inspired and very interested in connecting Dallas Schools to the MUSE GREEN STEAM movement.
David Gallo, Woodshole Oceanographic Institution, Pauline Medrano, Mayor Pro of Dallas, and Councilman Elect Medrano with Dr. Dijanna Figueroa

We also had the opportunity to hear from David Gallo of Woodshole Oceanographic Institution about the importance of ocean exploration. His  knowledge, sense of humor and quick wit was enjoyed by all. He spoke on importance of the environment and understanding our impact on the oceans. He spoke of underwater lakes and waterfalls that have yet to be fully explored! Most importantly he spoke to the NEXT GENERATION of People and inspired them to innovate and make change! I met many of those next generation innovators today!
The stage is set! DEEPSEA CHALLENGER in front of the Perot Museum.

Live Skype with James Cameron at the Perot Museum of Nature and Science

I was happy to see family and friends in DALLAS! Our junior Team Members, Nicolas, Liberty, and Zia had a blast at the Museum's hands on interactive exhibits and were treated like VIPS. Today the junior team will Skype with classmates back at MUSE School CA and share highlights of the journey from their perspective.


Our route from Dallas, Texas to Monroe Louisiana

"I am inspired by the curiosity and sense of wonder that is present in people across the country, meeting you my life is changed"

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Record breaking submarine passes through Shreveport

The Deepsea America Team and Head of MUSE GREEN STEAM Dr Dijanna Figueroa in the NEWS! Read full story here: 

Deep Sea Challenger Submarine Makes a Stop in the Permian Basin

Check out Dr Dijanna Figueroa talk about the #DeepseaAmerica tour 

in her interview on KWES NewsWest 9 / Midland, Odessa, Big Spring, TX:

Highlights from the DEEPSEA CHALLENGER Submarine Cross-Country Tour event at the Perot Museum of Nature and Science in Dallas, TX today! 

Today the MUSE GREEN STEAM TEAM and DEEPSEA CHALLENGER spent 14 hour on the road traveling from El Paso to Dallas Texas. Here are some highlights in pictures.

The trip from El Paso to Dallas Texas was approximately 636 miles. It took us 14 hours.
Can you calculate our average speed on this leg of the trip?

Pit Stop near Midland, Texas.

Texas is the wind energy capital of the Nation. 
We passed miles and miles of wind farms #GREEN ENERGY

As we passed through we noticed a change in the land. The landscaper went from subtropical desert to great plains.

Our junior expedition team members were in good spirit despite the long ride.

We arrived in Dallas, Texas 11:30pm Local time.

MUSE GREEN STEAM Experiments in a Bag ready for our big event in the morning (a few hours) at the Perot Museum of  Nature and Science!

Check out the following links for more information about the DEEPSEA CHALLENGER'S Cross Country tour!

Monday, June 3, 2013


When passing through Blythe I thought about the Hardy Boys novel-Mystery of the Desert Giants and the Blythe  intaglios!.The intaglios are gigantic human pictographs carved into the ground. These massive ground carvings were created by the Mojave and Quechan Indians between 400 and 1000 years ago. They were created by scrapping off the top layer of earth to reveal the lighter ground below.
Another example of STEAM in action!
Science Technology Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics!


MUSE GREEN STEAM (SCIENCE,TECHNOLOGY,ENGINEERING, the ARTs, and MATHEMATICS) is based on an educational model that supports the integration of science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematic through hands-on project based learning opportunities that focus on green and environmentally responsible innovation.

The goal of MUSE GREEN STEAM is to educate organize and mobilize educators,students, parents, and communities to realize the power of integrated learning and generate seasoned thinkers
and doers who will have the knowledge, skills, tools, and dispositions necessary to address next generation problems.

The DEEPSEA CHALLENGER Country wide tour

MUSE School CA is traveling with DEEPSEA CHALLENGER on its country wide tour, highlighting the importance of innovation and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) education. Join my team as we connect with people throughout the nation and share our message of sustainability, innovation, and GREEN STEAM education!